About Us
Board Members and Officers
The Board of Governors consists of twelve (12) members, nine (9) attorney members, and three (3) non-attorney citizen members. The nine active members of the Alaska Bar are elected by their peers to govern the affairs of the Association. Serving three-year staggered terms, two attorneys represent the First Judicial District, four are from the Third Judicial District, two serve the Second and Fourth Judicial Districts, and one member is elected at-large. The Board fills any vacancy through appointment until the next election. The three citizen members are appointed by the governor and are subject to legislative confirmation. These public members also serve staggered three-year terms.
Find a current Listing of Board Members & Officers here.
View a list of Historical Alaska Bar Association presidents.
Get to know our Board and learn some fun background information about them here.
Meeting Dates and Information
The Board generally meets five to six times a year at dates and places designated by the President of the Association; special meetings may be called by the President or three members of the Board of Governors.
Visit our dedicated page Meeting Dates and Information
Elections and Advisory Polls
Visit our Elections Advisory Polls page for current results.
Resolutions, Commissions, & Communication
Click here to view Resolutions, Commissions, and Communication from the Alaska Bar Association’s Board of Governors.
2023-2025 Strategic Plan
On October 25, 2023, the Board of Governors adopted its three-year strategic plan. The plan has three main goals: (1) Reduce access to justice gap and build attorney pipeline; (2) Ensure the Bar is more reflective of the people it serves; and (3) Increase public service and efficiency of the Bar: engage, understand, and communicate. For more information on our strategic plan and a timeline for implementation, please see our website here.
Bar Staff
Alaska Bar Association Staff
View our current Alaska Bar Association Staff by name listed by name or by Who does what at the Alaska Bar.
Annual Report
Current Annual Report
Click to view our current Alaska Bar Association Annual Report.
Archived Annual Reports
Looking for previous annual reports? Visit this page for current and past reports.
Membership Statistics
The Alaska Bar Association currently has 4,674 members. Visit our Member Statistics page for details.
Awards and Awards Recipients
Visit our Awards & Award Recipients page for current Board of Governor Awards, Bryan P. Timbers Pro Bono Awards, the Court Community Outreach Award, and additional awards.
Bar Foundation
Leadership and Regulations
For information on the Alaska Bar Foundation leadership, visit the following pages:
Jay Rabinowitz Public Service
Beginning in 2003, the Alaska Bar Foundation – Jay Rabinowitz Public Service Award has been given by the Board of Trustees of the Alaska Bar Foundation to the individual whose life work has demonstrated a commitment to public service in the State of Alaska. The Award is funded through generous gifts from the public in honor of the late Alaska Supreme Court Justice Jay Rabinowitz.
Law School Scholarships
The Alaska Bar Association offers law school scholarships to current 1st or 2nd year law students who demonstrate ties to Alaska, and an intent to return to Alaska within two years of graduation.
Applications for a scholarship must be sent to the Alaska Bar Association by March 1.
View our Scholarships page for information and application.
2022 Financial Statements
For the Bar Foundation’s 2022 Financial Statements, click here.
IOLTA (Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts)
The IOLTA program is important in Alaska because government budget cuts have drastically eroded the funds available for civil legal services for the economically disadvantaged.
IOLTA Links:
Sections and Committees
To find a specific Alaska Bar Association Committee webpage, click here.
For descriptions of Alaska Bar Committees, click here.
For questions about committee solicitations, email Melissa at melissa@alaskabar.org. Solicitations are open from February 1 – April 30, and are done through your member dashboard.
To find a specific Alaska Bar Association Section webpage, click here.
For a Directory of Alaska Bar Sections, click here.
Are you looking to join a section? Visit our How to Join a Section page to learn more.
To form a new section, view this page for more information.
Alaska Bar Member Directory
Search for an Alaska Bar Member in our Alaska Bar Member Directory.
Alaska Bar Rag
The Bar Rag represents the voice of the legal community in Alaska. Edited and written by attorneys, for attorneys, it is known for its often-irreverent and always-topical content. Click the corresponding link to learn more about the Alaska Bar Rag:
Employment and Bulletin Board
Looking for Employment opportunities? Our Employment & Bulletin Board page provide listings for:
Adjunct Organizations and Local Bar Associations
Visit our Adjunct Organizations & Local Bar Associations page for contact information and links.
Legal Resources Websites
Looking for additional legal resources? Visit our Legal Resources Websites page.
SOLACE Program
If you are aware of anyone within the Alaska legal community (lawyers, law office personnel, judges, or courthouse employees) who suffers a sudden catastrophic loss due to an unexpected event, illness, or injury, the Alaska Bar Association’s SOLACE Program can likely assist that person in some meaningful way.
Visit our FAQs of the Alaska Bar and get answers to our most commonly asked questions.