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CLE Event Calendar

To view upcoming CLEs by month, please visit our CLE Event Calendar.

Annual Convention

View our Annual Convention page for details and registration information for the current year’s event.

CLE Discount Options

Interested in discounted education? Visit our CLE Discount Options page to learn how to save money.


View our Video-on-Demand page to find past recordings of CLEs.



All active Bar members must earn twelve CLE credit hours per year. Three of those twelve CLE credits must be ethics CLE. Learn about Bar Rules 65 & 66 that govern Bar member requirements on our MCLE Rule page.

MCLE Reporting

The deadline for earning MCLE credits each year ends on December 31st, unless an extension has been granted. February 1st (the following year), is the deadline for filing your MCLE report. Inactive and Retired Bar Members are exempt from MCLE requirements.

New admittees are also exempt from reporting for the year they are admitted.
For example, if you were admitted in 2025, you do not need to report for 2025 MCLE, but will need to report for the 2026 calendar year.

You may only report ONCE per calendar year. After submitting your MCLE report, it cannot be amended. If you made an error while reporting, you will need to email to have it amended.

Once you have earned ALL of your MCLE credits (12 credits, 3 of which must be ethics) and wish to report, please use the member portal to submit your report.

Still need to earn credits? View the Event Calendar for upcoming programs or watch past programs On Demand.

How to Find and purchase a Video-on-demand

Instructions on how to report MCLE

Download a CLE Tracking Sheet here.

CLE Provider Information

CLEs in Alaska: All CLE programs which take place live in Alaska must be approved for CLE credit by the Alaska Bar Association.  To obtain approval, complete the Uniform Application for Accreditation of CLE and submit with attachments by email to, fax 907-272-2932 or mail 840 K Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99501-3353.  Local Alaska non-profits, local government (municipal, borough, state, tribal, and federal) agencies, and in-house no fee programs are exempt from payment of the accreditation fee, but are required to obtain accreditation.  The fee for other providers is currently $50 and is payable by check or credit card.

CLEs outside of Alaska: CLE programs which take place outside of Alaska or are webcast from outside of Alaska are not required to be accredited by the Alaska Bar Association.  Alaska Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in or from other jurisdictions if the program has been accredited by another MCLE jurisdiction.  CLE providers may not advertise programs as accredited by Alaska unless the program has been accredited by Alaska regardless of where the program is held.

MCLE Compliance Lists

The MCLE Compliance Lists provides lists of all attorneys that have complied with the Mandatory Ethics requirement, as well as the Supreme Court’s, suggested nine (9) Voluntary CLE credits.


For answers to our most commonly asked MCLE questions please visit our page here.

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