When does the CLE increase go into effect?
The CLE increase is NOW in effect! The Alaska Supreme Court signed SCO No. 2016 on January 17, 2024 amending Bar Rules 65 and 66. You must now earn 12 credits, 3 of which must be ethics. The earning period starts in January 1, 2025 and is the new MCLE requirement going forward. The first reporting deadline for this new rule will be February 1, 2026.
Can all of my 12 CLE credits be ethics?
Yes. At a minimum 3 of the credits must be ethics credits. However, there is nothing preventing all of the 12 mandatory CLE credits from being ethics credits.
What's the annual CLE credit requirement?
All ACTIVE Alaska Bar members are required to earn at a minimum and report twelve CLE credit hours per year (three of those must be ethics). Even if you were INACTIVE for most of the year but are ACTIVE at the end of the year (12/31) you must report completion of credits to be in compliance.
What is the MCLE reporting period?
The reporting period runs from January 1 through December 31. Members need to report their MCLE by February 1 of the following year.
What are ways to earn CLE credits?
The following activities are approved for credit:
- Prepare for and teach approved CLE courses and participating in public service broadcasts on legal topics; credit will be granted for up to 2 hours of prep time for every 1 hour of teaching
- Technology delivered approved CLE courses such as Webinars and Video or Demand
- Writing published legal articles in any publication or articles in law reviews or specialized professional journals
- Attending substantive Section or Inn of Court meetings
- Participating as a faculty member in Youth Court
- Attending approved in-house CLE courses
- Attending approved continuing judicial education courses
- Attending approved CLE courses including local bar association programs and meetings of professional legal associations
- Participating as a mentor in a relationship with another member of the AK Bar for the purpose of training that other member in providing effective pro bono legal services
- Participating as a member of the AK Bar Law Examiners committee, the AK Bar Ethics committee, the AK Bar Rules of Professional Conduct Committee or any standing rules committees appointed by the AK Bar or AK Supreme Court
- Participating as a member of an Area Discipline Division or an Area Fee Dispute Resolution Division.
SCO No. 2016 also expanded the activities that count for CLE credit.
Can credits from other jurisdictions be used in Alaska?
Yes! Any course or continuing legal education activity approved for credit by a jurisdiction, other than Alaska, that requires continuing legal education CLE is approved for credit in Alaska. All credits are calculated on the 60 minute hour.
Can unused CLE credits be carried forward?
A member may carry forward from the previous reporting period a maximum of 12 credits. To be carried forward, the credit hours must have been earned but not claimed for credit during the calendar year immediately preceding the current reporting period.
When does the first reporting period start for a new AK Bar member?
New Alaska Bar members begin reporting MCLE during the subsequent reporting cycle. For example, admission in 2023 would initiate the reporting cycle from January 1 to December 31, 2024 with reporting by February 1, 2025.
How can I earn free/low cost CLE credits?
- There are many AK Bar CLE offered for free throughout the year as well as available on our Video-on-Demand catalog. Available at under the CLE tab.
- CLE course offered from other organizations/associations that have been approved for credit by a jurisdiction, other than Alaska, that requires continuing legal education is approved for credit in Alaska. All AK Bar credits are calculated on the 60 minute hour.
- Many of the AK Bar section meetings host CLEs throughout the year during their section meetings. It is free to join the 1st section meeting and $15 for each section afterwards.
- Join a local bar association, which often offers CLEs throughout the year.
- Teach a CLE, write a legal article or participate as a member in Bar Association committees or area discipline/fee dispute resolution division (see Bar Rule 65(e)(10-11).
What are the consequences of not reporting MCLE?
Active members must certify completion of at least twelve CLE credit hours per year (three of those twelve must be ethics credits). Failure to earn and report credits will lead to suspension. To be reinstated following suspension, members will be required to comply with earning and reporting the 12 credit (3 of which must be ethics) and by paying a $250 reinstatement fee.
Can a submitted MCLE report be modified?
The MCLE report can only be submitted once annually. If there’s an error in your report, please email for assistance.
What are the minimum credits for MCLE Compliance List?
The compliance list is for members who previously met the minimum three ethics credits as well as 9 voluntary general credits for the reporting period from January 1 – December 31. This list will be removed after January 1st, 2026.
How do section or local bar association programs get accredited for CLE credits?
The AK Bar shall approve or disapprove all education activities for credits within the state of AK. Local bar association or other organizations that wishes to receive CLE credits for a program needs to email the program agenda for credit approval. Any section would need to coordinate with the AK Bar section coordinator ( There is no fee for sections or local bar association.
How can I get an in-house program accredited for CLE credits?
Any local organization or law firm that wishes to receive CLE credits for an in-house program needs to email the program agenda for credit approval. There is no fee for in-house program approval.
How does an AK Bar member apply for CLE credits for a program that I attended out of state?
Any course or continuing legal education activity approved for CLE credit by a jurisdiction, other than Alaska, that requires CLE is approved for credit in Alaska. Nothing needs to be submitted to the AK Bar, but the member needs to track this attendance for their records.
If the program was not approved for CLE credit or approved by a non-mandatory jurisdiction, please email the agenda and program description to for consideration.
How does a provider apply for CLE credits?
- CLEs in Alaska: All CLE programs which take place live in Alaska must be approved for CLE credit by the Alaska Bar Association. To obtain approval, complete the Uniform Application for Accreditationof CLE and submit with attachments by email to, fax 907-272-2932 or mail 840 K Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99501-3353. Local Alaska non-profits, local government (municipal, borough, state, tribal, and federal) agencies, and in-house no fee programs are exempt from payment of the accreditation fee, but are required to obtain accreditation. The fee for other providers is currently $50 and is payable by check or credit card.
- CLEs outside of Alaska: CLE programs which take place outside of Alaska or are webcast from outside of Alaska are not required to be accredited by the Alaska Bar Association. Alaska Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in or from other jurisdictions if the program has been accredited by another MCLE jurisdiction. CLE providers may not advertise programs as accredited by Alaska unless the program has been accredited by Alaska regardless of where the program is held.
What if I am uncertain if a program qualifies for CLE credits?
The AK Bar is happy to assist with any questions. Please contact us via phone (907-272-7469) or email for assistance.