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Grant Recipients

The Alaska Bar Foundation, Inc. and the Alaska Bar Association have worked successfully with members of the bar and with the banking community to establish the Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts (IOLTA) program.  Lawyers’ trust funds that are small in amount or are held for a short period of time are now aggregated in interest-bearing accounts in participating financial institutions throughout the State of Alaska.  The interest on these accounts is sent to the Alaska Bar Foundation to be used for charitable purposes under guidelines set forth by the Alaska Supreme Court and the Internal Revenue Service.

The Alaska Bar Foundation IOLTA program funds have been designated to be used solely for the following purposes:  Support of legal services to the economically disadvantaged and programs to improve the administration of justice. 


Alaska Legal Services$41,250.00
Alaska Institute for Justice$13,750.00
Alaska Innocence Project$10,000.00
Total Grants to be paid$65,000.00


Alaska Legal Services$37,500.00
Alaska Institute for Justice$12,500.00
Total Grants to be paid$50,000.00


Alaska Legal Services$18,750.00
Alaska Institute for Justice$6,250.00
Alaska Innocence Project$5,000.00
Total Grants to be paid$30,000.00

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