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Elections & Advisory Polls

Nominations for ALSC Board and ABA Delegate

Nominations are now being accepted for the Alaska Legal Services Corporation (ALSC) Board of Directors and ABA Delegate. The deadline is Friday, July 19, 2024.

The nominating petition may be found here or contact the Bar office to have a petition sent to you: (907) 272-7469 or

ALSC Board of Directors are three year terms. The ABA Delegate is a two year term and will expire at the close of the 2026 Annual Meeting. All delegate representatives must be ABA members in good standing throughout their tenure as delegate.

The following member terms expire. All individuals who have indicated they intend to run again are designated with an * after their name.

ALSC Board of Directors

Alaska Bar Association Representative
Gabrielle LeDoux*

1st District
Alternate seat: Vacant (term expiring 2025)

2nd District
Regular seat: Meghan “Sigvanna” Topkok*
Alternate: Vacant (term expiring 2027)

3rd District
Regular seat: Elizabeth Leduc
Alternate seat: Ben Muse*
Alternate seat: Tina Grovier

4th District
Regular seat: Melony Urban
Alternate seat: Vacant (term expiring 2026)

ABA Delegate

Mike Schechter

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