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Pro Bono Opportunities (Volunteering)

Questions? Contact Pro Bono Director Lea McKenna. Note that the Pro Bono Director does not place individuals with free attorneys. Please contact one of the qualified service providers above to see if you are eligible for their services.


Pro Bono Opportunities (Volunteering)

1016 West Sixth Avenue, Suite 200
Anchorage, AK 99501

Tel: 888-478-2572

Alaska Legal Services Corporation (ALSC) Volunteer Attorney Support program responded to a call to action over 30 years ago to the civil legal needs of low-income Alaskans in need of legal assistance. Their efforts are rooted in improving the quality of life for children, families, the elderly, disadvantaged and ultimately, our communities.

Through a strong network of volunteer attorneys and other professionals, ALSC serves in 13 communities around Alaska. Their greatest need is in client representation. Other volunteer opportunities are one-time client consultation, teaching at a legal clinic and mentoring other attorneys. Volunteers are also needed to write, edit, or review client-oriented self-help education materials for, a joint project of ALSC and other Alaska justice community partners.

Your participation in ALSC brings many benefits: Malpractice insurance, co-counsel and/or mentoring opportunities, sample briefs and reasonable reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses. 

Current volunteer opportunities include (updated 12/19/2024):

Landlord/Tenant Hotline
Are you looking for a new pro bono opportunity? Become a Landlord/Tenant Helpline Attorney! Shifts are available Mondays-Thursdays from 6-8 pm. Work your shift from anywhere with calls conveniently forwarded to your phone. Volunteers answer questions from tenants and landlords about their legal rights and responsibilities. Calls last an average of 20 minutes. Training and support are available to all volunteers.

(Updated 12/31/24)

Real Estate Case
Widow of school aged children in a rural region seeks a Real Estate attorney that can assist her with settling a property dispute and needs an attorney willing to negotiate a financial settlement’. Case 0128286.

Probate Case
Rural client seeks assistance in Probate of relatives death including assistance with death certificate and negotiating payment plan for release of cremains. Case 0129036.

Divorce, Child Custody, and Child Support Case
Rural client seeks attorney willing to provide advice and counsel with Divorce, Child Custody, and Child support. Case 0130311. 

Native Law Adoption Case
Alaska Legal Services Inc is seeking a pro bono attorney experienced in adoption for a client who has been a relative caregiver for two children for quite some time. The client has been denied crucial benefits to support the children due to lack of adoption and needs to be able to receive benefits the children are eligible for to maintain their wellness and home. This is a Native Law case involving more than one Tribe unopposed to the adoption(s). 

Email to sign up for one of these opportunities today.

To learn more about ALSC, volunteer opportunities, and other office locations visit

Robin Bronen, Executive Director
431 West Seventh Avenue, Suite 208
Anchorage, AK 99501

(907) 279-2457

The Alaska Institute for Justice (AIJ) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the human rights of all Alaskans.  Formerly known as the Alaska Immigration Justice Project, it transformed into the Alaska Institute for Justice to reflect the inclusion of an additional program dedicated to environmental and social justice issues including low-cost immigration legal services to immigrants in all immigration applications, including citizenship applications, permanent resident status, work permits, family petitions, and petitions for domestic violence victims.

To learn more about AIJP visit

The Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (ANDVSA) provides legal help to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Serving on a statewide basis, ANDVSA’s pro bono volunteers are put to work taking full cases, serving as mentors, doing legal research and answering the Information and Referral Hotline. ANDVSA is renowned for its critical on-call mentoring assistance, extensive written resources (including an Alaska-specific Volunteer Family Law Manual, American Bar Association Family Law practice manuals, and sample pleadings), and live and prerecorded training opportunities. Additional benefits to volunteers include malpractice insurance, case cost coverage, and the assistance of paralegals and shelter advocates.  For more information about ANDVSA, please contact Katy Soden at or fill out ANDVSA’s volunteer attorney application form

LOW BONO OPPORTUNITIES (updated 2/19/2025)

“Leaving them in the cold.” Fairbanks divorce/custody. No current dates set.  Client seeks help with divorce and custody.  2 kids.  DV includes assault and abuse to the children.  Client request for a protective order for self and kids was recently denied.  Property includes houses, investments, bank accounts.  OP likely to have counsel.  ANDVSA can offer $130/hour up to 50 hours for this case.

                                   PRO BONO OPPORTUNITIES (updated 2/19/2025)

“Safety for medically fragile children.” Ketchikan visitation modification. Motion to modify not yet filed.  Client seeks help modifying visitation schedule for 2 young children.  Children are medically fragile and not receiving adequate care in OP’s custody.  

To learn more about ANDVSA and its volunteer opportunities contact Katy Soden at (907) 297-2791 or

The ACLU of Alaska has wide array of needs for legal volunteers who are looking to assist. From a discrete research assignment in an area of immigration law, to co-counseling large civil rights cases, the organization’s needs are dynamic. Anyone who is interested in volunteering should contact the ACLU at and fill out our volunteer form, or email

Leslie Jaehning, Senior Staff Attorney

3330 Arctic Blvd., Suite 103

Anchorage, AK 99503

(907) 565-1002

Disability Law Center of Alaska, established in 1977, is a civil rights organization protecting the human, civil and legal rights of Alaskans with disabilities through legally-based advocacy. Each state and territory is mandated by law to have a designated independent Protection and Advocacy (P&A) system for people with disabilities.  Disability Law Center of Alaska is Alaska’s protection and advocacy system.

Congress recognizes that people with disabilities need advocacy and legal representation. Disability Law Center of Alaska has the legal authority to serve most any person with a disability when the issue they need assistance with is directly related to their disability. We represent children and adults with a wide range of disabilities, including, but not limited to those with cognitive, mental, sensory and physical disabilities. Today, more than 51 million Americans live with a disability; more than 83,000 or 13 percent of Alaskans live with a disability.

Disability Law Center of Alaska provides information and referral, individual advocacy, legal representation, systems advocacy, and education and training. They have broad statutory powers to safeguard the rights of people with disabilities. Disability Law  Center of Alaska clients make their own decisions. They work to promote self-determination, personal autonomy, and self-advocacy.  They advise and present options to clients in order to assist them in making their own informed choices.

To learn more about DLC visit

The Alaska Native Justice Center provides help navigating systems, intensive case management, and referrals to services and community resources.  ANJC’s services are culturally sensitive. Legal representation may be available to eligible participants. ANJC offers services for victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, and certain other crimes.

ANJC also offers clinics to anyone who is advocating for themselves in court with family law issues, without the representation of a lawyer.

To learn more, visit their website at: 

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