Resigned to Active
(resigned for LESS than five years)
A member who has been resigned for more than 5 years must seek admission under Bar Rule 2 via bar exam, reciprocity or UBE score transfer.
A member who has been resigned for less than five years may seek readmission by submitting the following:
- A letter requesting readmission to active status;
- An affidavit which lists:
a. The name(s) and address(es) of any employer or business with which the member has been associated while on resigned status;
b. Whether the member has been the subject of any disciplinary proceedings in any jurisdiction;
c. At least three professional references who have knowledge of the member’s work as an attorney;
d. The name(s) and date(s) of three MCLE approved ethics credits earned within the year prior to readmission. - The member should have the jurisdiction in which he or she has been practicing since leaving Alaska certify directly to the Alaska Bar that (s)he is a member in good standing of that jurisdiction.
- To attain reinstatement, a readmission fee equal to the reciprocity fee must be paid. The member shall resume payment of annual dues owed by February 1 of each calendar year following reinstatement. (e) He or she must submit an affidavit that he or she has read and is familiar with the Alaska Rules of Professional Conduct (ARPC). Download the Bar Rule 64 affidavit.
The readmission fee is currently $1,500.
NOTICE: Alaska Bar Rule 65 (MCLE Rule) first went into effect in 2008. Now starting on January 1st, 2025, the new MCLE rule requires all active Bar members to complete 12 CLE credits (3 of which must be ethics) each year and requires reporting by February 1 for the preceding calendar year. You are required to comply with the rule for the calendar year in which you return to active status. Please visit the MCLE page of our website for more detailed information.
(You may email the completed affidavit to