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Pro Bono Legal Service Providers (Assistance)

We understand that navigating the legal system is a challenging and often times scary situation. While we do not have attorneys on staff to provide legal assistance or case placement, the Alaska Bar Association works in partnership with legal service providers dedicated to helping with these issues. Our collaborative efforts are rooted in assisting as many people as possible to access services. This can take the form of clinics, hotlines, cases, consultations, etc. Below you will find organizations doing this good work on a daily basis, and other free legal resources.

[If you are a lawyer interested in volunteering, please go HERE for information.]

Legal Services Providers

ACLU of Alaska: The ACLU of Alaska defends the civil rights and liberties of all Alaskans through litigation, advocacy, and community engagement. They strive to create a more equitable state by partnering with a diverse network of Alaskans dedicated to preserving the rights guaranteed by the U.S. and Alaska Constitutions. Visit for more information.

Alaska Legal Services Corporation:
1016 West Sixth Avenue, Suite 200
Anchorage, AK 99501
Tel: 888-478-2572

Alaska Legal Services Corporation (ALSC) Volunteer Attorney Support program responded to a call to action over 30 years ago to the civil legal needs of low-income Alaskans in need of legal assistance. Their efforts are rooted in improving the quality of life for children, families, the elderly, disadvantaged and ultimately, our communities.  Through a strong network of volunteer attorneys and other professionals, ALSC serves in 13 communities around Alaska.

Alaska Institute for Justice
431 West Seventh Avenue, Suite 208
Anchorage, AK 99501
(907) 279-2457

The Alaska Institute for Justice (AIJ) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the human rights of all Alaskans. Formerly known as the Alaska Immigration Justice Project, it transformed into the Alaska Institute for Justice to reflect the inclusion of an additional program dedicated to environmental and social justice issues including low-cost immigration legal services to immigrants in all immigration applications, including citizenship applications, permanent resident status, work permits, family petitions, and petitions for domestic violence victims. To learn more about AIJP visit

Alaska Native Justice Center:  ANJC serves as a bridge between Alaska Native people and Alaska’s justice systems. ANJC supports Alaska Tribes in strengthening and enhancing their tribal justice systems to ensure better public safety and justice for their communities. We also serve victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, human trafficking, and other types of crime. Visit or call (907) 793-3550 for more information.

Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault: The Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (ANDVSA) provides support to low-income victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in need of legal assistance. 

How to Apply for Legal Services: If you need civil legal assistance, please contact the member program in your area and ask to speak to an advocate. Advocates are trained to support survivors and can help you apply to ANDVSA’s Legal Program. Advocates can also provide assistance to survivors in securing safe, permanent housing solutions, enabling them to build their lives with confidence. Advocates can also offer emergency housing and travel funds to ensure survivors’ immediate safety and access to necessary legal support services.

Legal Information and Referral Hotline:  The legal information and referral hotline is available for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault who want basic information about their legal rights and options and referral information. The hotline is staffed by a volunteer attorney and runs the second and fourth Tuesday of every month.

Alaska Free Legal Answers: A virtual legal advice clinic in which low income users post civil (non-criminal) legal questions at no cost to be answered by attorneys licensed in Alaska.  Visit to register and post your question.

Disability Law Center of AlaskaDisability Law Center of Alaska, established in 1977, is a civil rights organization protecting the human, civil and legal rights of Alaskans with disabilities through legally-based advocacy. Each state and territory is mandated by law to have a designated independent Protection and Advocacy (P&A) system for people with disabilities.  Disability Law Center of Alaska is Alaska’s protection and advocacy system.

Congress recognizes that people with disabilities need advocacy and legal representation. Disability Law Center of Alaska has the legal authority to serve most any person with a disability when the issue they need assistance with is directly related to their disability. We represent children and adults with a wide range of disabilities, including, but not limited to those with cognitive, mental, sensory and physical disabilities. Today, more than 51 million Americans live with a disability; more than 83,000 or 13 percent of Alaskans live with a disability.

Disability Law Center of Alaska provides information and referral, individual advocacy, legal representation, systems advocacy, and education and training. We have broad statutory powers to safeguard the rights of people with disabilities. Disability Law Center of Alaska clients make their own decisions. We work to promote self-determination, personal autonomy, and self-advocacy.  We advise and present options to clients in order to assist them in making their own informed choices.

To learn more about DLC visit

Legal Clinics

The Alaska Bar Association hosts annual free legal clinics on MLK Day in January each year and the Elizabeth Peratrovich Legal Clinic during AFN in October. At these clinics, clients can get a free 20-minute consultation with a licensed Alaska attorney about non-criminal legal issues, such as family law (divorce/custody/child support), housing, public benefits, probates, and wills. Check our website for new information as those months grow closer.

Self-Help Resources

There are also many valuable self-help resources available in Alaska. Below are some options.

Alaska Law Help

Alaska Court System Self-Help 

Alaska Youth Law Guide

Seniors and the Law: A Guide for Senior Citizens in the Last Frontier

The Alaska Landlord & Tenant Act: What It Means for You (guide)

Alaska Landlord Tenant Information 

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