How to Join a Section
Section membership is open to both members of the Alaska Bar Association and the public, offering numerous benefits to support your professional growth and development. By joining, you’ll gain access to resources such as continuing legal education (CLE) opportunities, networking with peers who share similar legal interests, updates on legislative and court actions, and participation in forums that address community and professional needs. Membership runs annually from January 1st to December 31st.
Who Can Join?
- Alaska Bar Association Members: Open to all active, inactive, and retired members in good standing.
- Public Members: Open to the public as associate members.
Membership Details
- Enrollment Period: January 1st – December 31st.
- Fees:
– Alaska Bar Members: First section is free, each additional section is $15.
– Associate Members: $15 per section. - Note: Membership is not automatic and must be renewed annually.
- New Lawyers Section: Members admitted to the Alaska Bar within the last 5 years are automatically enrolled in the New Lawyers Section for free, which does not count as your first free section.
Benefits of Membership
- Professional Growth: Access resources and opportunities for professional development.
- Information Exchange: Network with members who share similar legal interests.
- Continuing Legal Education (CLE): Participate in CLE programs.
- Legislative and Court Reviews: Stay updated on legislative and court actions.
- Community Engagement: Engage in forums addressing community and professional needs.
Section Administration
Each section is managed by an executive committee or chairs responsible for:
- Holding monthly (meet every other month or quarterly as needed) meetings with substantive topics.
- Presenting at least one CLE seminar every two years.
- Leading the annual section meeting and electing new executive committee members or chairs.
Note: Associate members are non-voting members and cannot serve on the executive committee.
Membership Forms
- AK Bar Members: If you are already an active, inactive, or retired member of the Alaska Bar Association in good standing, click here to complete your form. ( PDF)
- Non-AK Bar Members/Associate Members: If you are not a member of the Alaska Bar Association, click here to complete your form. (PDF)
For additional information on joining a section or to submit your completed membership form, please e-mail the Section Coordinator, Lynn Whittingham at or call (907) 272-7469.