Tobacco Information
Tobacco Information

How old do I have to be to smoke in Alaska?
In Alaska, you have to be 19 years old to smoke legally. If you are under 19, it is against the law to knowingly possess a cigar, cigarette, tobacco, or any product containing tobacco.
What does “tobacco” mean?
“Tobacco” includes any product that has tobacco in it. If you have a clove cigarette or bidi cigarette, or any other product that contains tobacco, it’s tobacco.
Can I get in trouble for giving someone else a cigarette or tobacco product if I don’t smoke it myself?
If you are 19 years old or older, and you negligently sell, give, or exchange a cigarette, cigar, or a product containing tobacco to someone under 19, you have broken the law. Generally, this means you have to make a careful effort to find out if a person is old enough before you sell or give tobacco to that person.
Can I maintain a vending machine that sells tobacco if I don’t use any of the products?
Alaska law does not allow vending machines that sell tobacco in most places. There are a few exceptions. A liquor store or a business that has a liquor license may have a vending machine that sells cigarettes or tobacco products if the machine is as far as possible from the entrance and is always watched. A vending machine in a break room or controlled area of a private work place may sell cigarettes or tobacco products if a sign posted nearby warns that the law prohibits anyone under 19 from possessing tobacco.